Tag Archive: 'transcontinental'

„They are fast this year!“ – so reads Juliana’s message, letting our crew of volunteers at Control Point 1 know that we need to move our first shift forward by a few hours. If the riders keep going at their current pace the first one might actually get here by 3 am. And so Adrian […]

It has now been a month since I scratched from the Transcontinental Race on day 3, having lost my motivation after the tragic death of Frank Simons, and I am still not sure how that happened. Or what that means – if it means anything at all? I have given it time, I have been […]

At the time of writing it is exactly 72 hours until I will stand on the Muur in Geraardsbergen (Belgium), together with some 300 other crazies, and set off into the night to ride the Transcontinental Race No. 5. About 4000 km across Europe, visiting 4 iconic climbs as checkpoints and finishing in Meteora, Greece. […]

(english version below) Da ist die E-Mail von Mike, es ist offiziell: Teilnahme am Transcontinental Race 2017. Ich! Bin!! Dabei!!! Das Transconti-was?? Wem das Transcontinental Race nichts sagt, kurz ein paar Worte dazu: Seit 2013 organisiert Mike Hall das „TCR“ – ein Radrennen einmal quer durch Europa, in der ursprünglichsten Radrennform überhaupt: unsupported, auf eigene Faust. […]

We are checking his dot again and it seems to be true, Kristof Allegaert has finally stopped to sleep – the machine needs a rest. So we volunteers call it a night and catch some sleep as well. Waiting can be exhausting business, even more so than stamping brevet cards. You don’t want to miss […]